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Snow Ball 2023

A Winter Wonderland Celebration

Saturday, December 2nd | 7:30 PM

December 2nd

7:30 PM

North Campus

1600 S Grandstaff Dr
Auburn, IN 46706

$15 Tickets*

Lakewood Park students only!

*A service fee will be added to this transaction.

Semi-Formal Guidelines

In order to promote a healthy, safe, enjoyable evening for all students, the following rules will be in place:

  • Attendees must be high school students at Lakewood Park.
  • Chaperones will be on site for the duration of the event and are authorized to enforce guidelines.
  • Chaperones may conduct bag/purse searches. Beverages and food of any kind are prohibited other than those provided at the event.
  • Students should demonstrate respectful behavior in their dress and dancing. This means dance partners should face each other with hands on shoulders and waists only for slow dances and choose an appropriate distance and respectful moves for faster dances.
  • Students must remain in the gym at all times with the exception of visiting the restrooms. If leaving the event early, students will be required to sign out and parents will be notified.
  • Dress Code:
    • LADIES: Dresses should be no shorter than four inches above the top of the knee (slits may not extend higher than this). Backless dresses are not permitted. Dresses may not be cut below the top of the bustline. No cleavage should show. The bustline continues around the sides, so the area under the armpit should also be covered. No bare midriffs/cutouts. Strapless dresses that meet the above criteria are permitted.
    • GENTLEMEN: Collared long-sleeved shirt and tie with dress pants. (No jeans). Jackets are optional.
  • Students who refuse to comply with any of these guidelines will be asked to leave.